Menopause Matters
Let's Talk
The Menopause Matters; Let’s Talk Podcast
The podcast which we hope will become your go to for anything to do with the menopause & related topics.
Each episode will be packed with useful information & resources to help you make those more informed decisions. We will provide information you can trust with no flim flam or doom & gloom.

2024 Christmas Special end of year round up
We thought it would be nice to end the year with a one off episode to help you keep on track over the festive period and to provide a brief summary of some relevant key messages, now the NICE guidelines have been updated.
Don’t forget there are 2 series (6 episodes in each) already released, packed with an abundance of information for you to dip in and out of. Available on your usual podcast platform.
We would both like thank you all for listening and we wish you all a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year.
Useful links & resources: Women’s Health concern : www.womens-health-concern.org Menopause Matters : www.menopausematters.co.uk BMS : www.thebms.org.uk NICE guidelines : www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng23 Let’s Talk Menopause : www.letstalkmenopause.co.uk Menopause Matters;Let’s Talk podcast : https://shows.acast.com/menopause-matters-lets-talk Jackie Lynch/Nutritionist : www.well-well-well.co.uk Squeezy app : www.squeezyapp.com : pelvic floor Daisy Network : www.daisynetwork.org : Premature menopause/POI The Eve Appeal : www.eveappeal.org.uk : 5 gynae cancers Endometriosis UK : www.endometriosis-uk.org The Royal Osteoporosis Society : theros.org.uk PCOS : www.womens-health-concern.org/shop-items/polycystic-ovary-syndrome/ PMS: www.pms.org.uk/ CBT self help guide : ‘Living Well Through The Menopause' & ‘Managing Hot flushes and Night sweats; A cognitive behavioural self-help guide to the Menopause’ by Myra Hunter and Melanie Smith: https://tinyurl.com/bde7f86k

Series 2, episode 6: Relationships and the impact of the menopause.
Do menopausal symptoms have an impact on relationships, and do our relationships affect our views on and use of HRT …well, we’re all different, but for some people if can really have a significant impact.
For those it does affect, whether at home or within the workplace, we’re delighted to say Dr Claire Macaulay has joined us again, this time with her other hat on as a sex and relationship therapist.
Even if you don’t think you’ve got anything to worry about this is definitely worth a listen!
The Eve Appeal: https://eveappeal.org.uk The Squeezy app: https://squeezyapp.com Women’s Health concern : www.womens-health-concern.org/help-and-advice/factsheets British Menopause society: thebms.org.uk/publications/tools-for-clinicians Menopause Matters : www.menopausematters.co.uk Let’s Talk Menopause : www.letstalkmenopause.co.uk Pleasure Possibility : https://www.pleasurepossibility.com LoveLab: https://bit.ly/RADICALCOUPLESTHERAPY Claire is offering a 50% discount on a LoveLab Relationship Diagnostics Call The 50% discount code for our audience is - LOVELABGIFT NHS inform: www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/womens-health

Series 2, episode 5: Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) and early menopause.
No one is too young to be menopausal. Sadly this statement is true with a significant percentage of people falling into the POI bracket which means they will be under 40 years old and then a further group of people falling into the early menopause bracket which is between the ages of 40 and 45 years.
We talk about the relevance of blood tests and how to provide adequate support and treatment.
We chat about the importance of replacing estrogen, if possible, if you go into an earlier menopause and we tentatively start to chat about testosterone…to be continued!
Daisy network: www.daisynetwork.org The Eve Appeal: https://eveappeal.org.uk Women’s Health concern : www.womens-health-concern.org/help-and-advice/factsheets British Menopause society: thebms.org.uk/publications/tools-for-clinicians Menopause Matters : www.menopausematters.co.uk Let’s Talk Menopause : www.letstalkmenopause.co.uk NHS inform: www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/womens-health

Series 2, episode 4: Side effects of HRT, menstruation and general bleeding problems.
Periods…wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a period free life, just saying…
Currently HRT is the first line treatment for menopausal symptoms but, there is no way of predicting how you as an individual might react to HRT before trying it and remember, we’re all different.
Why it’s important to have a check up 3 months after starting HRT - what side effects are normal to experience and what should you be concerned about.
We discuss the importance of not mucking around with well researched regimes and what do we actually mean by regimes…plus the importance of keeping it as simple as possible.
Useful links & resources: Women’s Health concern/unscheduled bleeding: https://tinyurl.com/ycy64kkv Women’s Health concern : www.womens-health-concern.org/help-and-advice/factsheets British Menopause society: thebms.org.uk/publications/tools-for-clinicians Menopause Matters : www.menopausematters.co.uk Let’s Talk Menopause : www.letstalkmenopause.co.uk NHS inform: www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/womens-health

Series 2, episode 3: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) an excellent alternative option.
CBT is a fabulous option to consider if HRT isn’t a viable option; either you can’t take it, don’t want to take it or it just doesn’t suit you.
CBT also works really well in combination with HRT.
Dr Becky Smithson joins us to give us an insight into how it all works alongside explaining the human stress response…
You will also learn that CBT isn’t just useful when going through the menopausal transition, it’s useful throughout life, for all genders.
Useful links & resources: •Apps for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: Catch It •Other useful apps: Calm & Headspace •Free online workbook: cogbtherapy.com/free-online-cbt-workbook •CBT self help guide : ‘Living Well Through The Menopause' & ‘Managing Hot flushes and Night sweats; A cognitive behavioural self-help guide to the Menopause’ by Myra Hunter and Melanie Smith: https://tinyurl.com/y6z6jxje •Womens Health Concern: https://tinyurl.com/59ft2wrv. •The Squeezy app: https://squeezyapp.com •Menopause Matters : www.menopausematters.co.uk •Let’s Talk Menopause : www.letstalkmenopause.co.uk •Jackie Lynch/Nutritionist : www.well-well-well.co.uk •NHS inform: www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/womens-health

Series 2, episode 2:
HRT and the risk of hormone dependent cancers like breast cancer..
HRT is such a complex topic which, combined with people’s perception of risk, can all become very confusing and for some far too daunting to even consider…we run through further pros & cons.
Remember there’s a potential risk with any medication you chose to take…we continue to discuss the well researched benefits and risks of HRT…
There are many alternative options to manage menopausal symptoms if you do develop breast cancer, we chat through what can become a bit of a balancing act…
Is there a risk as an individual if you have a family history of breast cancer…and we’re delighted to be joined by our guest for this episode, Dr Claire Macaulay, an oncology doctor specialising in breast cancer who continues to simplify and explain the complexities around this topic.
Useful links & resources: Women’s Health concern : www.womens-health-concern.org/help-and-advice/factsheets The Eve Appeal: https://eveappeal.org.uk British Menopause society: thebms.org.uk/publications/tools-for-clinicians Menopause Matters : www.menopausematters.co.uk Let’s Talk Menopause : www.letstalkmenopause.co.uk Pleasure Possibility : https://www.pleasurepossibility.com/ NHS inform: www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/womens-health The Menopause Matters;Let’s Talk Podcast is hosted by Dr Heather Currie MBE, founder of Menopause Matters & Ruth Devlin founder of Let’s Talk Menopause. Heather is a gynaecologist with special interests in menopause, Premenstrual syndrome and cervical screening. She is a trustee and past chair of the British Menopause Society (BMS), Co-editor of post Reproductive Health, the journal of the BMS, Clinical advisor to Scottish government for the Women’s Health Plan for Scotland, and founder and MD of Menopause Matters, set up in 2001. Ruth is a registered nurse, an educator, a reflexologist & has training in cognitive behaviour therapy. She is the founder & MD of Let’s Talk Menopause, set up in 2012 working & collaborating across all sectors. She published the book Men…Let’s Talk Menopause. Dr Claire Macaulay is an oncology doctor who treats people with breast cancer. She is also a Certified Somatic Sex Educator who is passionate about supporting people to create the kind of sex life that is right for them. Claire has a particular interest in working with people who are in the perimenopausal or menopausal phase of life, whether naturally occurring or as a consequence of medical treatment. Producer & audio engineer: Gregor Reid Episodes of the Menopause Matters;Let’s Talk Podcast will land every week during Series 2. Additional resources: · BMS : www.thebms.org.uk · NICE guidelines : www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng23 · Jackie Lynch/Nutritionist : www.well-well-well.co.uk · Squeezy app : www.squeezyapp.com · Daisy Network : www.daisynetwork.org · The Eve Appeal : www.eveappeal.org.uk · Endometriosis UK : www.endometriosis-uk.org · The Royal Osteoporosis Society : theros.org.uk · PCOS : www.womens-health-concern.org/shop-items/polycystic-ovary-syndrome/ · PMS: www.pms.org.uk/ · Menopause Café: https://www.menopausecafe.net

Series 2, episode 1:
The basics about HRT and much more.
We’ve decided to take the bull by the horns and tackle the huge topic of HRT. In this episode we discuss which hormones we’re actually talking about that tend to flip about and go all wonky.
We talk about tweaking the type, dose and route…taking an individualised approach and what is the ‘window of opportunity’.
We run through the benefits and risks, touching on why you might not want to take HRT, for varying reasons.
Then there’s the ever-confusing medical terminology - what do we mean by bio-identical hormones and body identical hormones.
We’re delighted to be joined by our guest for this episode, Dr Becky Smithson, who gives us an insight into a GPs perspective.
Useful links & resources: Women’s Health concern : www.womens-health-concern.org/help-and-advice/factsheets British Menopause society: thebms.org.uk/publications/tools-for-clinicians Menopause Matters : www.menopausematters.co.uk Let’s Talk Menopause : www.letstalkmenopause.co.uk NHS inform: www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/womens-health The Menopause Matters;Let’s Talk Podcast is hosted by Dr Heather Currie MBE, founder of Menopause Matters & Ruth Devlin founder of Let’s Talk Menopause. Heather is a gynaecologist with special interests in menopause, Premenstrual syndrome and cervical screening. She is a trustee and past chair of the British Menopause Society (BMS), Co-editor of Post Reproductive Health, the journal of the BMS, Clinical advisor to Scottish government for the Women’s Health Plan for Scotland, and founder and MD of Menopause Matters, set up in 2001. Ruth is a registered nurse, an educator, a reflexologist & has training in cognitive behaviour therapy. She is the founder & MD of Let’s Talk Menopause, set up in 2012 working & collaborating across all sectors. She published the book Men…Let’s Talk Menopause. Becky is a GP, a Western Medical Acupuncturist, has training in cognitive behaviour therapy, is a clinical hypnotherapist and teaches advanced communication skills for health care professionals. Producer & audio engineer: Gregor Reid Episodes of the Menopause Matters;Let’s Talk Podcast will land every week during Series 2. Additional resources: · BMS : www.thebms.org.uk · NICE guidelines : www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng23 · Jackie Lynch/Nutritionist : www.well-well-well.co.uk · Squeezy app : www.squeezyapp.com · Daisy Network : www.daisynetwork.org · The Eve Appeal : www.eveappeal.org.uk · Endometriosis UK : www.endometriosis-uk.org · The Royal Osteoporosis Society : theros.org.uk · PCOS : www.womens-health-concern.org/shop-items/polycystic-ovary-syndrome/ · PMS: www.pms.org.uk/ · Menopause Café: https://www.menopausecafe.net

Episode 1: Flipping Estrogen
In this introductory episode we chat through some of the basics about the menopause. Why there is such a range of symptoms & why we all have such differing experiences. We discuss diagnosis & blood tests and we touch on the variety of different symptoms associated with the menopause - which will be discussed in further episodes, alongside the many options available to cope with symptoms.
Useful links & resources: Women’s Health concern: www.womens-health-concern.org Menopause Matters : www.menopausematters.co.uk Let’s Talk Menopause : www.letstalkmenopause.co.uk NHS inform: www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/womens-health The Menopause Matters;Let’s Talk Podcast is hosted by Dr Heather Currie MBE, founder of Menopause Matters & Ruth Devlin founder of Let’s Talk Menopause with Dr Becky Smithson. Heather is a gynaecologist with special interests in menopause, Premenstrual syndrome and cervical screening. She is a trustee and past chair of the British Menopause Society (BMS), Co-editor of post Reproductive Health, the journal of the BMS, Clinical advisor to Scottish government for the Women’s Health Plan for Scotland, and founder and MD of Menopause Matters, set up in 2001. Ruth is a registered nurse, an educator, a reflexologist & has training in cognitive behaviour therapy. She is the founder & MD of Let’s Talk Menopause, set up in 2012 working & collaborating across all sectors. She published the book, Men…Let’s Talk Menopause. Becky is a GP, a Western Medical Acupuncturist, has training in cognitive behaviour therapy, is a clinical hypnotherapist and teaches advanced communication skills for health care professionals. Producer & audio engineer: Gregor Reid Episodes of the Menopause Matters;Let’s Talk Podcast will land every week during Series 1. Additional resources: •BMS : www.thebms.org.uk •NICE guidelines : www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng23 •Jackie Lynch/Nutritionist : www.well-well-well.co.uk •Squeezy app : www.squeezyapp.com •Daisy Network : www.daisynetwork.org •The Eve Appeal : www.eveappeal.org.uk •Endometriosis UK : www.endometriosis-uk.org •The Royal Osteoporosis Society : theros.org.uk •PCOS : www.womens-health-concern.org/shop-items/polycystic-ovary-syndrome/ •PMS: www.pms.org.uk/ •CBT self help guide : ‘Living Well Through The Menopause' & ‘Managing Hot flushes and Night sweats; A cognitive behavioural self-help guide to the Menopause’ by Myra Hunter and Melanie Smith: https://tinyurl.com/bde7f86k

Episode 2: Vasomotor symptoms - Hot Flushes & Night sweats.
We’re talking hot flushes & night sweats, also known as those vasomotor symptoms - but maybe you’re one of the lucky individuals who never experiences any of these, or you might have cold chills instead.
We discuss why you can experience them in the first place, what options are available for you to help manage these symptoms, including what you can do yourselves to gain a better quality of life.
Alas, there is no magic cure for any of these symptoms but there are definitely ways you can help to reduce the intensity & frequency of them.
There is our regular ‘Myth busting moment’ and…who would you call an expert?!
Useful links & resources: Women’s Health concern : www.womens-health-concern.org Menopause Matters : www.menopausematters.co.uk Let’s Talk Menopause : www.letstalkmenopause.co.uk Cognitive Behaviour Therapy ‘Living Well Through The Menopause' & ‘Managing Hot flushes and Night sweats; A cognitive behavioural self-help guide to the Menopause’: https://tinyurl.com/y6z6jxje NHS inform: www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/womens-health The Menopause Matters;Let’s Talk Podcast is hosted by Dr Heather Currie MBE, founder of Menopause Matters & Ruth Devlin founder of Let’s Talk Menopause. Heather is a gynaecologist with special interests in menopause, Premenstrual syndrome and cervical screening. She is a trustee and past chair of the British Menopause Society (BMS), Co-editor of post Reproductive Health, the journal of the BMS, Clinical advisor to Scottish government for the Women’s Health Plan for Scotland, and founder and MD of Menopause Matters, set up in 2001. Ruth is a registered nurse, an educator, a reflexologist & has training in cognitive behaviour therapy. She is the founder & MD of Let’s Talk Menopause, set up in 2012 working & collaborating across all sectors. She published the book Men…Let’s Talk Menopause. Producer & audio engineer: Gregor Reid Episodes of the Menopause Matters;Let’s Talk Podcast will land every week during Series 1. Additional resources: •BMS : www.thebms.org.uk •NICE guidelines : www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng23 •Jackie Lynch/Nutritionist : www.well-well-well.co.uk •Squeezy app : www.squeezyapp.com •Daisy Network : www.daisynetwork.org •The Eve Appeal : www.eveappeal.org.uk •Endometriosis UK : www.endometriosis-uk.org •The Royal Osteoporosis Society : theros.org.uk •PCOS : www.womens-health-concern.org/shop-items/polycystic-ovary-syndrome/ •PMS: www.pms.org.uk/

Episode 3: Joints pains and bone health.
We continue to take a holistic approach as we discuss the symptoms which are often surprising ones for many people when it comes to the menopause…those joints aches & pains, as well as thinking about your long term bone health.
We chat about the importance of preventative measures to take alongside the options available to cope with these symptoms.
Do we all need to take Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)…we start the conversation on this important topic and it’s only episode 3…to be continued!
What exercise is best and what’s all the fuss about magnesium?
There are a couple of bugbears along the way…there will definitely be more…and as always we ask that you share this information with your family, friends and colleagues of all ages.
Don't forget to swing by the Royal Osteoporosis Society website to do their osteoporosis check - will only take you a couple of minutes!
Useful links & resources: Women’s Health concern : www.womens-health-concern.org Menopause Matters : www.menopausematters.co.uk Let’s Talk Menopause : www.letstalkmenopause.co.uk Cognitive Behaviour Therapy ‘Living Well Through The Menopause' & ‘Managing Hot flushes and Night sweats; A cognitive behavioural self-help guide to the Menopause’: https://tinyurl.com/y6z6jxje NHS inform: www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/womens-health The Menopause Matters;Let’s Talk Podcast is hosted by Dr Heather Currie MBE, founder of Menopause Matters & Ruth Devlin founder of Let’s Talk Menopause. Heather is a gynaecologist with special interests in menopause, Premenstrual syndrome and cervical screening. She is a trustee and past chair of the British Menopause Society (BMS), Co-editor of post Reproductive Health, the journal of the BMS, Clinical advisor to Scottish government for the Women’s Health Plan for Scotland, and founder and MD of Menopause Matters, set up in 2001. Ruth is a registered nurse, an educator, a reflexologist & has training in cognitive behaviour therapy. She is the founder & MD of Let’s Talk Menopause, set up in 2012 working & collaborating across all sectors. She published the book Men…Let’s Talk Menopause. Producer & audio engineer: Gregor Reid Episodes of the Menopause Matters;Let’s Talk Podcast will land every week during Series 1. Additional resources: •BMS : www.thebms.org.uk •NICE guidelines : www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng23 •Jackie Lynch/Nutritionist : www.well-well-well.co.uk •Squeezy app : www.squeezyapp.com •Daisy Network : www.daisynetwork.org •The Eve Appeal : www.eveappeal.org.uk •Endometriosis UK : www.endometriosis-uk.org •The Royal Osteoporosis Society : theros.org.uk •PCOS : www.womens-health-concern.org/shop-items/polycystic-ovary-syndrome/ •PMS: www.pms.org.uk/

Episode 4: The Psychological & Emotional symptoms
Thankfully there has been increased awareness about these symptoms in relation to the Menopause in recent years. They are incredibly common and can be some of the most debilitating symptoms that people will experience…but don’t forget, not everyone will experience these symptoms.
It can be challenging for some people to identify the cause of these symptoms, as it’s not always related to hormones - there can be many contributory factors.
We discuss the range of options which can help to manage these symptoms.
Is it right to take antidepressants, should you take HRT, is a combination acceptable?
We go through alternative options for you to consider, either on their own or in combination with the above, but remember taking an individualised approach is always important.
We also continue the conversation about HRT.
Useful links & resources: Women’s Health concern : www.womens-health-concern.org Menopause Matters : www.menopausematters.co.uk Let’s Talk Menopause : www.letstalkmenopause.co.uk Apps for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: Catch It Other useful apps: Calm & Headspace Free online workbook: cogbtherapy.com/free-online-cbt-workbook CBT self help guide : ‘Living Well Through The Menopause' & ‘Managing Hot flushes and Night sweats; A cognitive behavioural self-help guide to the Menopause’ by Myra Hunter and Melanie Smith: https://tinyurl.com/y6z6jxje In England you can self refer: www.nhs.uk/service-search/mental-health/find-an-nhs-talking-therapies-service NHS inform: www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/womens-health The Menopause Matters;Let’s Talk Podcast is hosted by Dr Heather Currie MBE, founder of Menopause Matters & Ruth Devlin founder of Let’s Talk Menopause. Heather is a gynaecologist with special interests in menopause, Premenstrual syndrome and cervical screening. She is a trustee and past chair of the British Menopause Society (BMS), Co-editor of post Reproductive Health, the journal of the BMS, Clinical advisor to Scottish government for the Women’s Health Plan for Scotland, and founder and MD of Menopause Matters, set up in 2001. Ruth is a registered nurse, an educator, a reflexologist & has training in cognitive behaviour therapy. She is the founder & MD of Let’s Talk Menopause, set up in 2012 working & collaborating across all sectors. She published the book Men…Let’s Talk Menopause. Producer & audio engineer: Gregor Reid Episodes of the Menopause Matters;Let’s Talk Podcast will land every week during Series 1. Additional resources: •BMS : www.thebms.org.uk •NICE guidelines : www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng23 •Jackie Lynch/Nutritionist : www.well-well-well.co.uk •Squeezy app : www.squeezyapp.com •Daisy Network : www.daisynetwork.org •The Eve Appeal : www.eveappeal.org.uk •Endometriosis UK : www.endometriosis-uk.org •The Royal Osteoporosis Society : theros.org.uk •PCOS : www.womens-health-concern.org/shop-items/polycystic-ovary-syndrome/ •PMS: www.pms.org.uk/

Episode 5: Vulvas, Vaginas - those Urogenital symptoms
These are some of the most under reported, under treated symptoms and fall into the category of your longterm symptoms, although we realise that for some of you the others you might be experiencing can often feel like long term ones aswell!
We go through a quick recap about your basic anatomy…this can often be a tad hazy for a few folk and then straight into the nitty gritty of all the potential symptoms you could experience.
As always lots of options to look into to help manage and cope with these symptoms. We talk about moisturisers, lubricants, and of course vaginal estrogen, as well as giving some top tips around basic hygiene.
How do you start to have that conversation about these symptoms and what about prolapses & lichen sclerosus.
Fear not, we haven’t forgotten something, the next episode follows on with the urinary side of matters.
Useful links & resources: Women’s Health concern : www.womens-health-concern.org Menopause Matters : www.menopausematters.co.uk Let’s Talk Menopause : www.letstalkmenopause.co.uk Squeezy app : www.squeezyapp.com The Eve Appeal: www.eveappeal.org.uk NHS inform: www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/womens-health The Menopause Matters;Let’s Talk Podcast is hosted by Dr Heather Currie MBE, founder of Menopause Matters & Ruth Devlin founder of Let’s Talk Menopause. Heather is a gynaecologist with special interests in menopause, Premenstrual syndrome and cervical screening. She is a trustee and past chair of the British Menopause Society (BMS), Co-editor of post Reproductive Health, the journal of the BMS, Clinical advisor to Scottish government for the Women’s Health Plan for Scotland, and founder and MD of Menopause Matters, set up in 2001. Ruth is a registered nurse, an educator, a reflexologist & has training in cognitive behaviour therapy. She is the founder & MD of Let’s Talk Menopause, set up in 2012 working & collaborating across all sectors. She published the book Men…Let’s Talk Menopause. Producer & audio engineer: Gregor Reid Episodes of the Menopause Matters;Let’s Talk Podcast will land every week during Series 1. Additional resources: •BMS : www.thebms.org.uk •NICE guidelines : www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng23 •Jackie Lynch/Nutritionist : www.well-well-well.co.uk •Squeezy app : www.squeezyapp.com •Daisy Network : www.daisynetwork.org •The Eve Appeal : www.eveappeal.org.uk •Endometriosis UK : www.endometriosis-uk.org •The Royal Osteoporosis Society : theros.org.uk •PCOS : www.womens-health-concern.org/shop-items/polycystic-ovary-syndrome/ •PMS: www.pms.org.uk/

Episode 6 : Carrying on with the Urogenital symptoms - the urinary & bladder symptoms.
What a huge impact these symptoms can have on your quality of life yet, remarkably, they remain some of the most under reported & under treated ones.
We completely understand that it can be very embarrassing going and talking about these symptoms but there is so much help you can get alongside things you can do yourself so please don’t hesitate to seek out professional help & get referred to a pelvic health specialist/ physiotherapist if needed.
We talk through all the symptoms you could experience, why you’re experiencing them in the first place and what are the options available to manage & cope with these symptoms.
We’re delighted to be joined by Myra Robson, a pelvic health specialist/ physiotherapist and founder of the Squeezy App, who gives us an insight into her vast experience in this area bringing up the even more challenging topic to talk about…faecal/anal incontinence.
We hope you understand after listening to this episode that you are very much not alone in experiencing these symptoms. There is, as always, a huge difference in everyone’s experience, they are extremely common and are some of those long term symptoms so unless you tackle them they’re not going to go away.
Useful links & resources: Women’s Health concern : www.womens-health-concern.org Menopause Matters : www.menopausematters.co.uk Let’s Talk Menopause : www.letstalkmenopause.co.uk Squeezy app : www.squeezyapp.com The Eve Appeal: www.eveappeal.org.uk NHS inform: www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/womens-health The Menopause Matters;Let’s Talk Podcast is hosted by Dr Heather Currie MBE, founder of Menopause Matters & Ruth Devlin founder of Let’s Talk Menopause with Myra Robson. Myra Robson is an experienced clinical lead and pelvic health physiotherapist. She is the co-founder of the Squeezy App and Pelvic Roar with a particular clinical interest in pelvic pain and sexual dysfunction, bladder & bowel dysfunction, pelvic organ prolapse and pessary management. Heather is a gynaecologist with special interests in menopause, Premenstrual syndrome and cervical screening. She is a trustee and past chair of the British Menopause Society (BMS), Co-editor of post Reproductive Health, the journal of the BMS, Clinical advisor to Scottish government for the Women’s Health Plan for Scotland, and founder and MD of Menopause Matters, set up in 2001. Ruth is a registered nurse, an educator, a reflexologist & has training in cognitive behaviour therapy. She is the founder & MD of Let’s Talk Menopause, set up in 2012 working & collaborating across all sectors. She published the book Men…Let’s Talk Menopause. Producer & audio engineer: Gregor Reid Episodes of the Menopause Matters;Let’s Talk Podcast will land every week during Series 1. Additional resources: •BMS : www.thebms.org.uk •NICE guidelines : www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng23 •Jackie Lynch/Nutritionist : www.well-well-well.co.uk •Squeezy app : www.squeezyapp.com •Daisy Network : www.daisynetwork.org •The Eve Appeal : www.eveappeal.org.uk •Endometriosis UK : www.endometriosis-uk.org •The Royal Osteoporosis Society : theros.org.uk •PCOS : www.womens-health-concern.org/shop-items/polycystic-ovary-syndrome/ •PMS: www.pms.org.uk/