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Just what you've always wanted...A Menopause Diary!

Just a short post to let you know about the menopause diary I've put together...a useful tool if you need one!

It's in a pdf form so hopefully everyone will find it easy enough to save and print off : click on the link below...

On the inside cover a handy list of potential symptoms followed by one week of diaries if you suffer from hot flushes, insomnia and the like. You might just need to use one page to find out what the triggers are for your hot flushes for example. Hopefully you will find it helpful. On the back page a useful list of websites and also various places online where you can purchase my book.

Please feel free to share the pdf with anyone you know who might benefit - a simple tool but a useful one!

Any feedback welcome - am sure it will need tweaking along the way!


Any information is as accurate as possible at time of writing and is for information purposes only. The information and support that Let's Talk Menopause provides is for your own personal use. It is not intended to replace or substitute the judgement of any medical professional you may come in contact with. You should always seek advice from your healthcare professional regarding any medical condition.


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