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Allison Pearson helps to demystify and normalise the Menopause with her latest novel 'How hard can i

One of the reasons I started this blog was to demystify and normalise the very word menopause, to raise awareness and to just get everyone talking about it more…

Imagine my delight one Sunday morning a couple of weeks ago, as I turned the page in the Sunday’s Times magazine, there in front of me a very amusing interview with author Allison Pearson, by renowned journalist Eleanor Mills ( Editor director of the Sunday Times), promoting her new book 'How hard can it be' . Following on from her novel 'I don’t know how she does it’ Allison has written a sequel which highlights the effects the menopause can have on the daily life of her heroine Kate Reddy once she hits 50.

The Sunday Times interview had me chuckling away…referrals to the ’tsunami down below'…'tingling of shame'…'perimenopause — Perry and her malevolent sister Meno'. Referrals to memory loss with comparisons to the fish Dory in that wonderful Pixar movie, who forgets everything every 10 secs — familiar ?

An absolutely hilarious article which I admit to reading several times it was so funny. Humour aside it was spot on at high lighting those all too familiar symptoms and the often embarrassing situations that can arise when coping with them. The over riding message as always to come from this though is that we all have to take responsibility for our own health and manage our own menopause, with or without medical intervention.

This novel will definitely help raise awareness and hopefully get women talking about this ridiculously taboo topic. Having thoroughly enjoyed her last novel I cannot wait to read it, on the shelves now — right well I'm off to get my copy!



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